Saturday, April 5, 2008

Which values?

I will put here a lyric I read on an Environmental Declaration of an Italian institution. It is in Italian, I don't want to translate it but if someone will ask I will try... not so easy for my poor English... :-)
From the "Opera sull'acqua e altre poesie" of Erri De Luca 2002, a collection of lyrics having the theme the water, the first one...


Considero valore ogni forma di vita,
la neve, la fragola, la mosca.

Considero valore il regno minerale,
l'assemblea delle stelle.

Considero valore il vino
finché dura il pasto,
un sorriso involontario,
la stanchezza di chi non
si è risparmiato,
due vecchi che si amano.

Considero valore quello che domani non varrà più niente
e quello che oggi vale ancora poco.

Considero valore tutte le ferite.
Considero valore risparmiare acqua,
riparare un paio di scarpe,
tacere in tempo,
accorrere a un
chiedere permesso prima di sedersi,
provare gratitudine senza ricordare di che.

Considero valore sapere in una stanza dov'è il nord,
qual è il nome del vento che sta
asciugando il bucato.

Considero valore il viaggio del vagabondo,
la clausura della monaca,
la pazienza del
condannato, qualunque colpa sia.

Considero valore l'uso del verbo amare e l'ipotesi che esista un creatore.

Molti di questi valori non ho conosciuto.

I consider a value to save water...


moovida said...

hei H-Lady, this one is really nice, I liked that.

So let me be of help. Probably not perfect, but it should pass the meaning:

I consider value every form of life
snow, strawberry, a fly

I consider a value the reign of the minerals
the stars assembly

I consider value the wine
until the meal lasts
an involuntary smile
the fatigue of those that didn't save theirselves,
two elderly people in love

I consider value what tomorrow won't have any value
and what today in fact doesn't have that much value

I consider value all the wounds
I consider value to save water
to repair a pair of shoes
to shut up in time
to be there at the first call
to ask for permission before sitting down
to feel gratitute without remembering why

I consider value to know in a room where the north lies
which is the name of the wind that is drying the laundry

I consider value the trip of the vagabond
the enclosure of the monk
the patience of the condemned, for whatever guilt

I consider value the use of the verb to love and the assumtion that a creator exists.

I never got to know many of those values.

Anonymous said...

Hey H-Lady,

This is absolutely my favourite, be careful with the translation: it's flyer, not fly! :)

Take care